Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I first became aware of Joe Biden (Dem. Delaware) last summer. He seemed to be on the PBS weekend news all the time. At every opportunity, he would run down the current administration, and I'm sure he used the term "failed policy" more than Eddie Murphy used the other f-word in all of the eighties. He never seemed to have any plan, he was just really good at running down the president. So today, after just recently announcing his run for presidency, he really steps in it. When asked about Barack Obama, he said and I quote, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” WHAT????? Can you imagine what Kanye West and Jesse Jackson would do if President Bush had said that? It's crazy! What, does Condoleezza Rice look dirty? Does Colin Powell strike you as unintelligent? I have black friends who I happen to know bathe every day. Clean??? What's next senator, fried chicken and watermelon? Way to go you ignorant, condescending bigot. I find that offensive, and I don't even like Obama. He's inexperienced and a democrat. But that's just me...

Sunday, January 28, 2007


I've always been a fan of classic Chevrolets and stuff.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saw this pic at a bass player forum site. It was titled "Why I Hate Country Music" Hi, my name is Kenny Chesney.
Too funny. I'm not sure Waylon Jennings would have considered that "country" music anyway...
So I found myself sitting in an orientation meeting the other day. Out of ten people, three of them felt obligated to chew and pop their chewing gum as if to the keep the world turning. I can't think I'm the only person in the world who finds this incredibly annoying. I mean, it's like eating with your mouth wide open but better. At least when your eating something, eventually you swallow it and the suffering ends. Gum, on the other hand, can last for hours. I'd rather sit next to someone with bad breath and BO smoking a cheap damp cigar and blowing smoke in my general direction, than have my central nervous system attacked by that incessant chomp/pop noise. Am I over reacting??? I just can't think of anything that says I have bad manners and no class better than eating with your mouth open for three hours, but that's just me. Yes, party of one for the non gum popping section please...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ok, admittedly it might well be the question of the week. Recently you might have noticed that I'm (once again) running low on clever things to post about... So, I read a motivational book a while back and it had a great question: What would you do if you could do anything, and not possibly fail? I've made a (probably) really annoying habit of asking people this question, and some of the responses would suprise you. For instance, one guy I knew thought he would want to be a mystery shopper and I'm thinking, hey dude, I'm pretty sure you could be living the dream right now! Another guy I worked with made the point that he hated books like that and that they obviously didn't work because I had read then and we worked at the same place. Yeah, a little harsh and equally hard to argue. So feel free to share away while I come up with a sensible post...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Did anybody else catch that story on the Drudge Report? Classic Nancy Pelosi. Apparently, she's all for the minimum wage increase, and helping everyone in general, unless it's some big company she keeps in her pocket. As it turns out, everybody working for minimum wage in California gets a two dollar an hour raise except the good folks working at a tuna plant in her hometown of San Fransisco. However, a spokesperson for Ms. Pelosi assured everyone that the speaker had not been lobbied by the compnay in any way. So don't think that...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I was watching the news last weekend, and they were showing a small group of idiots, I mean people, protesting the war. Apparently the troop death toll is now up to 3000 and there were 3000 people killed in the World Trade Center, so all the troops should give up immediately and come home. So help me out here. What if all crime was fought this way? If a serial killer is loose in my city, he's killed four people, and then he kills four cops, the police force should just give up trying to get the guy. Right? I mean, you have your matching number and besides it's just too dangerous and somebody could get hurt. Brilliant!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

So the local city paper here ran a cover story a couple weeks ago, that talked about how the largest percent of drunk driving accidents involved intoxicated illegal immigrants. Then yesterday, I heard on the local news radio that Mexican community leaders felt that they were being unfairly tageted with roadblocks in parts of town with a large mexican population. They're upset that after arrests are made, the immigration status is being investigated as well and illegals are being prosecuted. Wow, the nerve. I mean, the schools are free, the healthcares free, you don't have to pay taxes, Nancy Pelosi is going to let you vote (as long as you promise to vote for a democrat), and now these mean cops aren't going to let you cruise around town hammered??? That does sound unfair...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year everybody!!! According to my hit counter, "everybody" is like 1.5 persons per day, who stay for 8 seconds and then say oops, or something now. I don't mean to brag, it's just a fact.
I'm looking forward to a new year with more optimism than I can remember in the last few. Not really sure why, but I'll take it. I was watching Joel Osteen yesterday afternoon and he made an interesting analogy. The reason the windshield on your car is so much bigger than the rear view mirror is because where you're going is that much more important than where you've been. He also reminded that, it's not where you start in life , but where you finish. The new year always seems like a good time to make positive changes and, unlike the Titans yesterday, I'm going to focus on finishing strong. Oh, and I'm going to post more and get my numbers up to maybe three people a day that stop by and say uhhh what? and move on...